No Ordinary Princess

...anything but ordinary...

Friday, October 13, 2006

TGW Does it Again

The picture is what did it:

I've labeled it "Liberty Loves Justice," though it gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, no?

The pic is part of a post about the rise in same-sex households documented in the latest census data (2005). The article Egalia referenced is from ABC News.

I have no idea where the picture came from but it might just have to become my new profile pic!

Go read the article and show the Tennessee Guerilla Women you care.

tags: GLBT / homophobia / sexual orientation / US politics


Blogger Yvonne said...

Stop CHEATING! You have two blogs. Stop posting the same post on both blogs, or tell me which one to stop visiting you naughty girl you!

LOL Love Yvonne

13/10/06 7:34 PM  
Blogger Cheryl said...

Sorry, Von. I don't openly link this blog to my other one (though I think that's a moot point now). Consequently, I have some people who read only one and some who read both.

When I write a post that I feel belongs on only one blog, I post it there...more political and cleaner stuff here, the spicier stuff there. Sometimes a post fits both blogs and I'll post it on both. I usually make note of that on the other blog.

I don't mean to make you do extra work, Von. And I'm kind of, I don't know, hurt that you don't just want to stop by to think about me, whether I cross-post or not. ; (


13/10/06 11:18 PM  
Blogger Yvonne said...

That's why I got upset. I lok forward to my double dose of cheryl-ly goodness. And I got the same dose twice :)

Pass me a sexy calve to kiss and I will work on gaining forgiveness ;-)

Love Yvonne

14/10/06 8:45 PM  
Blogger Cheryl said...

Oooo...I kind of like the term "Cheryl-ly goodness!" I betcha I could make a blog outta that!


15/10/06 7:43 AM  

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