No Ordinary Princess

...anything but ordinary...

Monday, August 28, 2006

"Just Friends"

Debra Haffner, of Sexuality and Religion, has a great post today on the term "just friends." Here's a snippet:
I shared though that we can take back the term "just friends" if we understand that “just” comes from “justice”, right relations. “Just friends” love and nurture each other. “Just friends” listen to each other, sit with each other, and offer each other unconditional regard. “Just friends” show up. “Just friends” tell you the truth when no one else will, but always with kindness and compassion.
It's an excerpt from the Sunday sermon at her church, the Unitarian Church of Westboro. Transcripts of the sermon will be available on the church's website in a few days, if you'd like to read the whole thing.

Yes, I wish I had some more of those kinds of "Just Friends."

tags: friendship / humanism / life


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